Description: Since the explosion at the Undersea Stronghold, Nick realizes the wounded Megan really cares for Zeus. He asks Dr Coy if he could make a replica Zeus, but is told that because Zentrium chips are 'thinking' chips, any replica would not be identical and would have no memory of Megan. Meanwhile Dr Coy tells Megan that if they can find Zeus' Zentrium, then they can rebuild him. Megan is happy at this news. Megan, Clump and Morph take over from Nick in the search for Zeus. Back at Zentrix, OmicronPsy is enraged to realize that Quantum and Dark-02 probably bought it [but we see that Quantum survived the explosion]. He orders Dark-04 and Silver-03 to go and mount guard at the Volcano Stronghold, where Silver-03 then encounters the RockMen who live in the vicinity. The RockMen put up a fierce resistance to Silver-03, but still cannot hold up and was forcefully retreated. Megan and Nick prepare to set out for the Volcano Stronghold. Dr Coy gives them Fighter to ride shotgun.