Waking Up

Waking Up

Release Date:  6/29/2010
Country of Release: 
Length:  103 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA ROM SF
Release Message:  Martin Brown (Jeremy Curran), who dreams he's traveling backwards through time, attempts to fix his relationship with his recently deceased wife, Jennifer.
Description:  Martin Brown, who dreams he's traveling backwards through time, attempts to fix his relationship with his recently deceased wife, Jennifer. Martin Brown (Jeremy Curran), who dreams he's traveling backwards through time, attempts to fix his relationship with his recently deceased wife, Jennifer (Amy Burke). His best friend (John Wood), his co-worker (JÀrgen Pedersen), even his new psychologist (Robert Alan Mitchell) don't know if these "jumpbacks" are real or if Martin is imagining the whole ordeal. Writer/Director JÀrgen Pedersen takes you on a romantic ride through time and love in this piece about dreams. With wonderful performances, interesting writing, captivating direction and an amazing musical score - Waking Up is a true labor of love about just that, love.