Description: The Odyssey receives a distress call from Queen Calypso whose crystalline planet is under attack from Trident ships. She tells Ulysses that if he saves her planet she will tell him the way back to Earth, but can she be trusted? The Odyssey receives a distress call from Queen Calypso, whose crystalline planet is under attack from the Tridents. But both Yumi and Shirka sense that it is a trap. Ulysses takes a shuttle to Calypso's world where she tells him that the Tridents have fractured the crystal sun and that unless it is repaired her planet will freeze over. While Ulysses uses the master repair robot from the Odyssey to repair the sun, Calypso secretly takes orders from Zeus to get rid of Ulysses and his crew. Calypso tells Ulysses that the sun absorbs knowledge and that if he fixes it her people will calculate a route back to Earth for him. But the small crystal sun collapses to the ground and Ulysses saves Calypso's life. She falls in love with him, but if she doesn't obey the gods they will destroy her planet.