Description: Ulysses encounters a seemingly lifeless world. He discovers that its people were once famed for their medical technology, prompting Yumi to take her brother Numinor there to revive him. But the gods have left a nasty surprise. The Odyssey discovers a planet that is technologically advanced but shows no signs of life. Ulysses launches a probe to investigate - which discovers that the whole planet is one vast reanimation hospital. Realising that they could use this technology to reanimate the companions, Ulysses and his son Telemachus go to the planet to investigate. But when Yumi hears about the planets potential she and Nono load her brother, Numinor, onto a shuttle and also travel to the planet to try and revive him. However, Ulysses uncovers a message from one of the planets original inhabitants telling how they drew energy for their reanimation process from Olympus itself, earning the wrath of the gods who scattered seeds on the planet which grew into deadly flowers.