Description: Telemachus stumbles upon the Palace of Time and is sent 5000 years back in time. Ulysses has to follow him back to the Ancient Greece of Homer's original Odyssey and there meet the original Penelope, Telemachus and Ulysses. While mining for raw materials on a crystalline asteroid Telemachus, Yumi and Nono fall down a shaft and find a statue of the gods surrounded by columns. Telemachus falls into one of these and disappears and the statue tells Ulysses that his son has angered the gods by entering the Palace of Time and has been sent back in time 5,000 years to the time of Homer's original Odyssey. Ulysses is told that in order to get his son back he will have to enter the Palace of Time and travel back to restore the original Ulysses to the throne. Meanwhile in Ancient Greece Telemachus is captured by soldiers who mistake him for the Greek Telemachus. Thinking he is her son Penelope sets the 108 suitors a challenge - she will marry whoever can string her husband's bow.