Description: Dr. David Bryant is a scientist and spokesperson for National Pesticide, a company purportedly dumping carcinogenic chemicals near Leopard Frog Lake, the leaking chemicals which are causing cancers and birth defects in newborns and a spate of dead frogs. He stands up for his company in saying that they are doing nothing wrong. In addition, his work is preventing him from spending any time with his family, including his son Jeremy who has Down Syndrome. In David's death, Othniel learns that David really did believe that National was not illegally dumping. But David admits he placed professional success over spending time with Jeremy. Othniel sends David back to 1990, two months prior to Jeremy's birth. He is Gene Fitzsimmons, an on-air reporter whose assignment is to expose National's illegal activities. In doing so, David as Gene may have to find some things out about the company's CEO, Jim Newhouse, who is also David's best friend. David also has to look deep into his heart about his true feelings concerning Jeremy.