To Sail Beyond the Sunset

To Sail Beyond the Sunset

Release Date:  //1987
Country of Release: 
Length:  416 pages
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  It was the last novel published before he died in 1988. The title is taken from the poem Ulysses, by Alfred Lord Tennyson. The stanza of which it is a part, quoted by a character in the novel, is as follows: ... my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die. It is the final part of the "Lazarus Long" cycle of stories, involving time travel, parallel dimensions, free love, voluntary incest, and a concept that Heinlein named pantheistic solipsism, or World as Myth: the theory that universes are created by the act of imagining them, so that somewhere (for example) the Land of Oz is real. Other books in the cycle include Methuselah's Children, Time Enough for Love, The Number of the Beast, and The Cat Who Walks Through Walls.