Time Tunnel (1967)

Time Tunnel (1967)

Release Date:  2//1967
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message:  In "The Assassins", Tony and Doug try to prevent Abraham Lincoln's assassination, in "The Lion or the Volcano?" the pair are trapped in Pompeii right before the volcano Vesuvius erupts, and in "Mars Countdown" the pair are trapped on a rocket headed for Mars.
Description:  Number/month on cover: 10198-702, no month listed. Comic book version of the Irwin Allen 1960s sci/fi-fantasy TV series in which two scientists are hurled into the lost world of time. Issue has "The Assassins" in which Tony and Doug try to prevent Abraham Lincoln's assassination, "The Lion or the Volcano?" in which the pair are trapped in Pompeii right before the volcano Vesuvius erupts, and "Mars Countdown" in which the pair are trapped on a rocket headed for Mars. Back cover and inside covers have photo pinups. Story and art credits: unknown. Cover price $0.12.