Time Traveler

Time Traveler

Release Date:  5/31/2009
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  20 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM SF
Release Message:  In the year 1961, Air Force test pilot Carter Cartwright (Carl Lundstrom) is recruited to be the USA's first time pilot, traveling through time to fight the Soviet Union.
Description:  In the year 1961, Air Force test pilot Carter Cartwright is recruited to be the USA's first time pilot, traveling through time to fight the Soviet Union. After a successful test flight witnessed by the top army brass and intellectuals of the world, Carter becomes a national hero, winning the Cold War and earning himself great notoriety. As he becomes more involved in his mission, though, he begins to lose touch with his devoted wife Bonnie. When their relationship hits the breaking point, Carter resorts to desperate measures.