Description: A boy gets transported to a weird world by a blue light, only to discover that it is the dark future of planet Earth. The story begins with Mark Harrison, a 13-year old survival enthusiast, hiking through the mountainous Magruder Missile Range when he is struck by a mysterious blue beam of light. He wakes up in a strange world that he believes is an alien world with many similarities to Earth. He uses his survival skills to live off the land and, while exploring the forest, he discovers a camp made up of short, human-like creatures with webbed feet and dark, olive-colored skin. Soon he finds them too warlike to bear interacting with. He also hears a creature called the howling thing. A tribe which Mark refers to as the Arrow People allow him live with them. He meets a girl named Leeta, who he befriends. Soon after, he is enslaved by the Tsook, a metal-weapon wielding race of hominids. Over the next three months, he learns their language and develops feelings for Megaan, the chief's daughter. The two attempt to flee the village, but as they are trying to escape, they learn of an imminent invasion of the village. Mark and Meegan return to warn the tribe about an impending attack, and as a gift, Mark is granted freedom and official entry into their tribe.