The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes

The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes

Release Date:  //1968
Country of Release:  Canada
Length:  17 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  EDU
Release Message:  Both a documentary and a comedy. It features a man on a canoe tour of the Great Lakes while the geological time frame changes around him.
Description:  Both a documentary and a comedy. It features a man on a canoe tour of the Great Lakes while the geological time frame changes around him. He finds himself atop the great glacier, and then suddenly falling from the sky as it is removed. His canoe teeters from a cliff after the shoreline vanishes. He sips pure water from the lake as it suddenly changes to a modern polluted state. A lesson in geography, which concludes that although the Great Lakes have had their ups and downs, nothing has been harder to take than what humans have done to them lately. In the film, a lone canoeist lives through the changes of geological history, through Ice Age and flood, only to find himself in the end trapped in a sea of scum.