The New Teen Titans

The New Teen Titans

Release Date:  4/21/2012
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  1 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ACT ADV
Release Message:  Mad Mod (Malcolm McDowell) is making time go backward so he can be young again, and if he reaches the 60's he'll be unstoppable!
Description:  Mad Mod is making time go backward so he can be young again, and if he reaches the 60's he'll be unstoppable! Mad Mod has taken over Jump City again! The entire city now looks like London again. Mad Mod's new machine, a time warping pay phone, will not only turn back time, but make Mod young and invincible. Luckily, the Teen Titans arrive to stop Mod. The villain begins to turn back time, and everything around him changes. The Titans notice that the entire world has become '90-fied. Time continues to rewind and the world is now in the 80s. Beast Boy is enjoying the time change and he is now in his Changeling costume. Starfire covers herself with her now extremely long hair when she notices her costume is very revealing. Time changes to the 70s. The Teen Titans now resemble the kids from Mystery, Inc. with Beast Boy as Scooby-Doo. Cyborg states that, if time rewinds one more time, Mad Mod will be unstoppable. Despite the Titans effort, time rewinds to the '60s. Mad Mod is young again and invinsible. Robin, unwilling to give up, throws a birdarang at Mad Mod's machine. The birdarang luckily breaks the pay phone, and time explodes. In the very far future, hover cars are flying around the sky. Mad Mod, old again, is caught on a futuristic tradmill and unable to get off. A robot that resembles Robin laughs victoriously and then notices the super heroes of the future staring at him. Robin realizes that time has slipped him up again.