The Man Who Lived Backward

The Man Who Lived Backward

Release Date:  //1950
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  This purports to be the diary of Mark Selby who was born in 1940 and who lived backwards to die in 1865 and bequeath his biography to the grandfather of the boy who is printing the book. It records Mark's love for Helen, who knew his secret, and their strange marriage; it offers his reports on the changes in human concepts and conditions, traveling back through history; it shows his negative attitude, because of his knowledge of what was to come in the future while not knowing the beginnings of the situations in which he finds himself. From the turn of the century, through the Utopia at Fraternity, the strikes at Homestead, the Franco-Prussian War, and the Civil War's end, Mark travels and takes notes, complementing his personal tragedies with those issues confronting his fellow men. While aware of the yeast of history, he eavesdrops among the famed of the day, and those to be famous in the future, and acts as a sounding board for the thinking and trends of the times even though knowing what the outcome will be.