Description: While out for his morning surf at an isolated beach near the valley, Tony encounters a mysterious girl from the village. Relishing his time alone away from the others, Tony doesn't tell his friends about the girl, Bess, when he returns to the tree house. Worried that Tony's trips to the beach may endanger their safety should be be spotted, Mark and Su Ying follow him the next morning and see him with the new girl. Despite Su Ying's reservations, Mark decides they should learn more about the girl, so Anna and Su Ying are sent to speak with Elizabeth and Helen Quinn who inform them that Bess is the legal guardian of the Q. Captivated by the description of Tony's surfboard, Aaron ventures to the beach to watch him and returns to the village to tell his friend all about it. The tale quickly spreads to Quell and Quig who are eager to capture the kids with the Prime Minister away at Malo. Their hopes are dashed however by the discovery that Tony is with Bess and they could upset the Q by capturing him. Tony's friends tells him what they've learned about Bess but their good intentions are not received well and he storms off. Meanwhile in the village, Helen warns Bess about the guards' intentions to capture Tony but the warning comes too late Ñ the next morning Bess is captured and Quell and Quig take a boat out into the sea to catch Tony. Tony's friends are able to warn him in time and he surfs into shore escaping the guards whose boat overturns in the waves. Once safe, Tony meets with Bess who tells him it is too dangerous for them to meet again.