The Lost Islands

The Lost Islands

Release Date:  2/1/1976
Country of Release:  Australia
Length:  25 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Shipwrecked children befriend a local family, the Quinns, who help them remain hidden on the island of Tambu, and must deal with the Q, a 200 year old immortal tyrant that rules the island.
Description:  A hurricane nearly sinks the "United World", a ship holding 40 teenagers from all around the world. 35 flee the ship on time - 5 are left behind, and end up on 2 islands unknown to the outside world, inhabited by people who got there under similar circumstances 200 years ago. The islands are ruled by a supposedly 200 year old immortal tyrant called "The Que", who would very much like to see them dead, so while running for their lives they make friends among the locals, even local very close to the Que.