The Girl From Tomorrow Part Two: Tomorrow's End

The Girl From Tomorrow Part Two: Tomorrow's End

Release Date:  8/11/1993
Country of Release:  Australia
Length:  23 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  FAM FAN SF
Release Message:  Silverthorn tells Draco, the Manager of Globecorp, that the Time Gate is a water synthesizer and he'll give Draco water in exchange for his freedom. Starring Katharine Cullen as Alana.
Description:  Silverthorn tells Draco, the Manager of Globecorp, that the Time Gate is a water synthesizer and he'll give Draco water in exchange for his freedom. Alana and Nik attempt to destroy the Time Gate to correctæthe future. Jenny and Petey go to Silverthorn's warehouse and see him using the Time Gate.