The Final Men

The Final Men

Release Date:  3//1940
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  The first complete, published version of The Time Machine appeared as a five-part serial in the January through May 1895 issues of New Review, edited by William Ernest Henley. In the introduction to the 1924 edition, Wells wrote about the back-and-forth between himself and Henley, saying that ñThere was a slight struggle between the writer and W.E. Henley who wanted, he said, to put a little ïwriting' into the tale.î One piece of that writing was a short episode after the traveller leaves the Eloi and the Morlocks, just before visiting the red sun and the end of the world. This episode was deleted from both the American (Holt text) and the British (Heinemann text) published book editions of the novel, but it did ap- pear as a 7-page mimeographed and stapled publication from American fan Robert W. Lowndes in 1940, and it appeared in a number of other places, sometimes called ñThe Grey Manî and once called ñThe Missing Pages.î Those other appearances are documented at the end of this pdf. This particular transcription comes from Wikisource. „Michael Main