"The Dark Age"

"The Dark Age"

Release Date:  6/3/2014
Country of Release:  USA
Medium:  Literature
Genre:  SF
Release Message:  On the day she was born, he left for the stars. The crew of the Arecibo is about to enter hibernation sleep for one hundred and fifty years. And when he wakes, his family will be gone.
Description:  On the day she was born, he left for the stars. He watches her grow up on screens. Misses her first words, her first steps. She's never kissed his scratchy cheek, or fallen asleep on his shoulder. He's never wiped away her tears, or sung her to sleep. Now she's a toddler, and the crew of the Arecibo is about to enter hibernation sleep for one hundred and fifty years. And when he wakes, his family will be gone.