The Crossing Hero

The Crossing Hero

Release Date:  3/23/2015
Country of Release:  Taiwan
Length:  45 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  A time-traveling tale that follows the lives of Hong Xidong (Jiro Wang)--the leader of Ming dynasty Emperor Zhu Yunwen's personal bodyguard detail„and two imperial military guards.
Description:  Two secret agents from the Ming Dynasty, on the hunt for a rebel sympathizer, accidentally time travelled to the 21th century and met private detective Hong Xiao Dong, a guy who is a spitting image of their fugitive. Hijinks follows when they had to rely on the detective to help them navigate the bizarreness of the modern world. A time-traveling tale that follows the lives of Hong Xidong (Jiro Wang)--the leader of Ming dynasty Emperor Zhu Yunwen's personal bodyguard detail„and two imperial military guards, Peng Ze (Hu Yang) and Xu Xiaotian (Bruce Xie), who are hot in pursuit of a revolving pearl treasure in Hong's possession. All three time-travel into the 21st century, where Peng and Xu encounter Hong Xidong's identical future other, Hong Xiaodong (Jiro Wang). Peng and Xu's attempts to adjust to life in the future lead to a series of comedic adventures.