The Cross-Time Engineer (Adventures of Conrad Stargard, Book 1)

The Cross-Time Engineer (Adventures of Conrad Stargard, Book 1)

Release Date:  1/12/1986
Country of Release: 
Length:  259 pages
Medium:  Literature
Release Message:  A 20th century Polish engineer is transported back to 13th century Poland ten years before the Mongol invasion. Written by Leo Frankowski.
Description:  A 20th century Polish engineer is transported back to 13th century Poland ten years before the Mongol invasion. One moment Conrad Schwartz was a hungover hiker in the mountains of modern Poland, the next he was running for his life from an angry Teutonic knight. At first Conrad just thought he'd stumbled across a mad hermit. But several days of ever stranger events convinced him that he had somehow been stranded in A.D 1231. And that meant Conrad had to turn Medieval Poland into the most powerful country in the world. Otherwise the Mongols were destined to destroy it--in just ten years!