The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

Release Date:  10/27/1993
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  22 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ADV COM
Release Message:  Part two in the four part series. Robotnik goes back to medieval times, and enlists the help of Merlink the Magician to get his magical gemstone. Starring Jaleel White as Sonic.
Description:  Part two in the four part series. Robotnik goes back to medieval times, and enlists the help of Merlink the Magician to get his magical gemstone. But first he must defeat Sonic (in blue armor) in a jousting tourney. Sonic is victorious, and is knighted by King Arfer (a dog) before he forces Robotnik into the future again.