Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager

Release Date:  8/28/1995
Country of Release: 
Length:  45 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ACT ADV SF
Release Message:  Voyager answers an ancient SOS distress and finds 8 humans - including Amelia Earhart - in cryo-stasis on a nearby planet. Written by Brannon Braga.
Description:  Voyager answers an ancient SOS distress and finds 8 humans - including Amelia Earhart - in cryo-stasis on a nearby planet. There are thousands more humans living in cities nearby, descendants of Humans abducted from Earth in 1937 by a race seeking to use them as slaves. Both sides are happy to find some answers and new friends. When Voyager's crew is invited to stay and live on the "new" Earth, Janeway is worried so many will accept she may find herself the only one who truly wants to get home.