Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager

Release Date:  5/3/2000
Country of Release: 
Length:  45 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ACT ADV SF
Release Message:  Kes (Jennifer Lien) travels back in time to Voyager's first year in the Delta Quadrant. Her agenda is to kidnap her younger self and return her to Ocampa.
Description:  Kes returns to Voyager. Aged, angry, and more powerful than ever, she literally tears through the ship. Using her abilities in combination with Voyager's warp core, Kes travels back in time to Voyager's first year in the Delta Quadrant. Her agenda is to kidnap her younger self and return her to Ocampa, even if it means turning her former friends over to the Vidiians. The only one to suspect anything is Tuvok, who is experiencing intermittent visions and memories of the future. Wikipedia: A much older and more powerful Kes returns to Voyager.