Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Release Date:  11/4/1996
Country of Release: 
Length:  45 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ACT ADV SF
Release Message:  Darvin, a disgraced Klingon spy, travels back in time to alter historical events. The DS9 crew must prevent him from doing so without altering the time line, while interacting with the crew from Star Trek: The Original Series. Terry Farrell co-stars as Dax.
Description:  Darvin, a disgraced Klingon spy, travels back in time to alter some events to his likings. The DS9 crew must find what he's trying to change and prevent it without altering the time line. They'll have to blend in with the crew from Star Trek: The Original Series. Wikipedia: the crew travel back to the time of James T. Kirk.