Shirley Temple's Storybook

Shirley Temple's Storybook

Release Date:  5/6/1958
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Realizing that her husband Rip (E. G. Marshall) is an incurable dreamer, Dame Van Winkle decides to sell the house and leave him. She sends him on an errand but Rip wanders off to a mountain haunt in theƊCatskills. There he encounters a strange crew of dwarfs, whose powerful brew lulls him into a 20-year slumber.
Description:  Realizing that her husband Rip is an incurable dreamer, Dame Van Winkle decides to sell the house and leave him. She sends him on an errand but Rip wanders off to a mountain haunt in theƊCatskills. There he encounters a strange crew of dwarfs, whose powerful brew lulls him into a 20-year slumber.