Sapphire and Steel

Sapphire and Steel

Release Date:  11/1/1979
Country of Release:  UK
Medium:  Video
Genre:  MYS SF THR
Release Message:  After Tully agrees to watch over Sapphire's body, Steel has a chat with her own ghost to determine if she is real or a trick perpetrated by the darkness. Written by series creator Peter (P. J.) Hammond.
Description:  With Sapphire unconscious, Steel is unnerved by the appearance of her ghost on the railway platform with the other spirits. After Tully agrees to watch over Sapphire's body, Steel has a chat with her ghost to determine if she is real or a trick perpetrated by the darkness. The soldier is not through with trying to get rid of Steel, however, and snares him in barbwire. Meanwhile, the darkness makes a deal with Tully: he can escape the station unharmed if he leaves Sapphire and Steel while they are unconscious and vulnerable.