Sapphire and Steel

Sapphire and Steel

Release Date:  7/24/1979
Country of Release:  UK
Medium:  Video
Genre:  MYS SF THR
Release Message:  The time break strengthens after a nursery rhyme hidden in a book becomes stuck in Helen's head. Everything takes a turn for the worse when two more pools of light escape from the bedroom and Rob suddenly goes missing. Written by series creator Peter (P. J.) Hammond.
Description:  The time break strengthens after a nursery rhyme hidden in a book becomes stuck in Helen's head. Sapphire burns the nursery rhyme book and Steel and Lead barely succeed in stopping the time break from spreading. The kitchen is left a windblown mess and Helen and Rob help Sapphire with the clean-up effort while Lead and Steel keep watch upstairs. Everything takes a turn for the worse when two more pools of light escape from the bedroom and Rob suddenly goes missing.