Sana Maulit Muli

Sana Maulit Muli

Release Date:  1/25/2007
Country of Release:  Phillippines
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA ROM
Release Message:  This time, Travis learns that destiny can work in incomprehensible ways.
Description:  This time, Travis learns that destiny can work in incomprehensible ways. He was able to prevent the fight that should have happened after the exam; but a few days later when the grades were announced, Bruce learns that he failed it. He decides to take his frustration out on Rocky after class, but it was Kevin who punches Travis instead. The group is taken to the principal's office afterwards, and Travis is happy to discover that it seems exactly the same incident as before, and so he was looking forward to being tutored by Jasmine. But he overlooked one thing Ð he has good grades now! Travis follows Jasmine to the library nonetheless, and offers his apologies. Jasmine accepts, and the two become friends, and in so doing, Travis finally understands what the mystery janitor was telling him all the while Ð to make the most of his time without ruining the natural order of things. But Travis would suffer a painful setback once again Ð he perceives a premonition of Jasmine being hit by a car, with the mystery man as the driver. He then wakes up terrified.