Sana Maulit Muli

Sana Maulit Muli

Release Date:  1/24/2007
Country of Release:  Phillippines
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA ROM
Release Message:  It turns out that in order to make things right, Travis has to go all the way back to square one.
Description:  It turns out that in order to make things right, Travis has to go all the way back to square one. Since he can't convince Jasmine of something she doesn't know about, and with the janitor's warning not to confuse the natural course of nature, Travis sees only one solution: court Jasmine again. It wouldn't be easy, however; Travis has already established himself as a rich kid from the States, and his relations with Camille and Bruce doesn't help either. But when familiar things happen -- like when Bruce is accused of cheating -- Travis tries to use this knowledge of things past to get close to Jasmine. He even prevents the fight that should've ensued afterwards. But Jasmine's perception of Travis is not good Ð she even tells him to stay away from her. Meanwhile, Camille complicates things by giving Travis a gift Ð the slipper he supposedly gave her while they were on the boat. After this Camille talks to Jasmine, and tells her to stay away from Travis.