Sana Maulit Muli

Sana Maulit Muli

Release Date:  1/23/2007
Country of Release:  Phillippines
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA ROM
Release Message:  Travis was given a gift no other person has ever received; a second chance in time.
Description:  Travis was given a gift no other person has ever received; a second chance in time. But is he using it wisely? Upon arriving in Manila, he correctly guesses the type of house Clara offers them; much to the latter's amazement. But Monica attests this to his fever and the fact that she already told him while they were in the States. Travis desperately seeks Jasmine, even asking a confused Emily, who of course hasn't met him yet. Camille, on the other hand, continues to act under Poknat's guise. But Travis knows better Ð in fact, he berates Camille ruthlessly for the treachery he's already aware of. Camille, confused and beset with problems with her mom, tries desperately to disprove Travis otherwise; and at every confrontation, a strong wind blows. Before swim practice, Travis opens his locker, and finds the watch given to him by the mysterious janitor. The latter suddenly shows up and reprimands Travis for changing the natural course of time. Travis, however, doesn't mind the consequences, and is dead set on saving Jasmine from the impending tragedy. And true enough, while emerging from the pool after practice, he sees her for the first time Ð again.