Rocky and His Friends

Rocky and His Friends

Release Date:  10/2/1960
Country of Release: 
Length:  4 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Sherman and Peabody (Bill Scott) go to Rome in the times of Leonardo da Vinci.
Description:  Sherman and Peabody go to Rome in the times of Leonardo da Vinci. Once they find him, they notice him painting signs. He does this because he cannot paint his upcoming masterpiece because his paint subject- Mona Lisa- has a toothache and cannot smile. They take her to a dentist who has terrible hurting methods to remove the tooth. When they lose him, they go out for pizza for lunch, helping Mona's toothache. The final painting has Mona depicting half a smile, which Peabody says will be the making of the portrait. She has a half-smile because her hurting tooth that just fell out was her front tooth. Mr. Peabody, Sherman, Da Vinci, Dentist.