Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf

Release Date:  11/4/1993
Country of Release:  UK
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM SF
Release Message:  Rimmer, diagnosed with a tense nervous disorder, jumps on-board an escape pod which has no steering and is whisked away through a time-hole, only to find himself on a planet inhabited by clones of his own self. Featuring Craig Charles as Dave.
Description:  The Starbug crew returns to the Simulant's battleship to salvage for food-supplies. But Rimmer, who has been diagnosed of a tense nervous disorder, escapes on-board a escape pod which has no steering. And is whisked away through a time-hole, only to find himself on a planet inhabited by clones of his own self. (time hole 600 years after Rimmer)