Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf

Release Date:  10/18/2012
Country of Release: 
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM SF
Release Message:  The Dwarfers attempt to construct a rejuvenation shower but it sends them back in time to 23 AD, where they meet a man called Jesus. Starring Craig Charles as Dave Lister.
Description:  Whilst attempting to construct a Swedish flat-pack rejuvenation shower the crew accidentally transport themselves back to the year A.D. 23. In order to power their returner remote they need lemons to make a battery and ,in a Middle Eastern market,meet a friendly young man called Jesus. When Jesus complains of demons on his back the crew successfully teleport him and themselves back to 'Red Dwarf' for an operation but reading of his future fate causes Jesus to return to Earth and behave in a very unchristian manner. The team go after him and learn that Jesus is a commoner name than they had thought. The Dwarfers attempt to construct a rejuvenation shower but it sends them back in time to 23 AD, where they meet a man called Jesus.