Quantum Leap: A Leap to Di For

Quantum Leap: A Leap to Di For

Release Date:  4/20/2009
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  43 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA SF
Release Message:  The date is August 30, 1997... 24 hours before the death of Princess Diana. Sam Beckett has leapt into a young American visiting Paris, France. With Project Quantum Leap in disarray, Sam decides he must save the Princess from death at all costs. Featuring Deborah Pratt as the voice of Ziggy.
Description:  The date is August 30, 1997... 24 hours before the death of Princess Diana. Sam Beckett has leapt into a young American visiting Paris, France. With Project Quantum Leap in disarray, Sam decides he must save the Princess from death at all costs. Starring Joshua Ramsey, Niki Hurrle Warner, LaDonna Pettijohn, Ed Ernstes, David Briggs, and Dennis Crosswhite. Special appearances by Deborah Pratt (Original co-producer of Quantum Leap and voice of Ziggy) and Beth "Venom" Horn of the American Gladiator television series. This fanfilm is not associated with Universal Studios, NBC, or any affiliated entity to the original television series. This is simply a project by the fans, FOR the fans.