Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap

Release Date:  3/14/1990
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  48 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Sam (Scott Bakula) leaps into an old pool playing acquaintance of Al's and must win a pool game so that his granddaughter doesn't lose her bar.
Description:  Sam leaps into an old pool playing acquaintance of Al's and must win a pool game so that his granddaughter doesn't lose her bar. Sam leaps into the body of Charlie 'Black Magic' Walters, an aging pool pro who tries to help his granddaughter make a success of her club without resorting to pool playing. Al is thrilled at the turn of events having met Black Magic Walters in his youth. Unable to get a legitimate loan from the bank, Magic is forced to play the local loan shark to wipe out the debt. The only problem is that Sam can't play pool. Al comes up with a very practical way of ensuring Sam's success but he's left on his own when a technical glitch gets in the way.