Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap

Release Date:  12/13/1989
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  48 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Sam (Scott Bakula) must save a young woman who drowns while insisting that she is hearing the calls of her dead husband.
Description:  Sam must save a young woman who drowns while insisting that she is hearing the calls of her dead husband. Sam leaps into the body of Dr. Timothy Mintz, a parapsychologist who who is working with Troian Claridge who is trying to contact her husband, who died three years ago. Mintz is attracted to the woman and Sam knows one thing - if he can't convince her that there is no ghost, she too will drown in the small lake behind her house just as her husband did. Troian's brother, Jimmy Giovanni, is convinced that Mintz is exploiting her and their very odd housekeeper, Priscilla Stoltz, is nothing short of creepy. Sam however is convinced that there is a very earthly explanation to the voices Troin has been hearing.