Description: Mr. Firebird's time machine has gone haywire and Putt-Putt's best pal Pep is lost somewhere in time. Grab your compass! Putt-Putt needs your child's help to find him. Together, they'll travel through time-exploring new dimensions and discovering surprising new friends. Meet Ms. Brachiosaurus-she holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the dinosaurs. See what pans out when you and Putt Putt visit Silverado Sam, the prospector from the Old West. Make sure Putt Putt doesnt' forget to feed the dragon in King Chariot's medieval castle and be sure to check out Darien the librarian from the future-he just may have the book you need. These are just a few of the delightful friends who will help your child reunite our pals. It's an adventure-of-the-centuries that will keep kids coming back time and time again! ' Ages: 3 to 8 Format: CD-Rom Platform: Windows 95/98/Me/2000 + XP/Vista/7 (32-bit processor only) & MAC "Classic" only Publisher: Atari, Inc. Packaging: This CD-Rom is shipped in a cardboard sleeve to protect it in transit. Full size boxes are costly to create, store, and ship. This is the one way we keep prices low. Technical Details: PC requirements: 60MHz, 16MB RAM, 256 color Macintosh¬ 8.1 or higher, 233MHz G3 or higher, 16MB RAM, 256 color