Popeye the Sailor

Popeye the Sailor

Release Date:  10/21/1960
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM FAM
Release Message:  A newspaper reads, "Rare Stone Discovered in Egypt, Reward Offered by Museum If It Can Be Returned." Popeye (Jack Mercer) goes to the Professor, whose time machine sends him to Egypt.
Description:  Popeye is reading a newspaper that reads, "Rare Stone Discovered in Egypt, Reward Offered by Museum If It Can Be Brought Back to States." Popeye goes to the Professor, and his time machine sends him to Egypt. Popeye gets a tired camel, and Brutus comes along on a fast- moving, conceited-type camel. Brutus' camel suddenly comes to a stop, and the two camels start flirting with each other. Popeye and Brutus arrive at a pyramid and see a huge statue with a ruby red stone in one eye. Olive is the Egyptian princess with the stone, and Alice The Goon is her slave girl. Alice becomes infatuated with Popeye, and she'll help him secure the stone if he'll help the princess and her escape. Brutus bribes the guards, and they lead him to the Princess, who has the stone. Brutus captures Olive, and the guards take Popeye. Brutus tries to escape without paying the guards. But the guards leave Popeye, and they go after Brutus. Alice brings spinach to Popeye. The three then escape and catch Brutus. The episode closes with Popeye riding Brutus like a camel. Wimpy is featured as Olive's temple guard.