Nyoka the Jungle Girl (1945 Fawcett)

Nyoka the Jungle Girl (1945 Fawcett)

Release Date:  //1947
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  Terrors from the Past. Stranger Than Fiction starring Trader Tom. George Case Wheaties ad. The Case of the Web-Footed BurglarAdventures of Sam Spade Wildroot Cream-Oil ad. The Ape Man's Fight text story, script by Punchy Perkins. Captain Tootsie Saves the School Party Tootsie Roll ad, pencils by C. C. Beck, inks by Pete Costanza. The Human Robots. Mighty Mickey and His Mighty Mutt untitled story. Can't Even Catch a Cold! featuring Muscle Hedd. 52 pgs. $0.10. Cover price $0.10.