Mystery Science Theater 3000

Mystery Science Theater 3000

Release Date:  4/25/1999
Country of Release: 
Length:  97 minutes
MPAA:  TV-14
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM SF
Release Message:  Experiment 1004: The guys take a crack at Future War (1997) in which a man formerly enslaved by aliens escapes to modern-day Los Angeles but is being tracked by cyborgs and their trained dinosaurs. Created by Joel Hodgson.
Description:  Experiment 1004 The guys take a crack at Future War (1997) in which a man formerly enslaved by aliens escapes to modern-day Los Angeles but is being tracked by cyborgs and their trained dinosaurs. Mike and the Bots thank Pearl for not killing them which derails her plans. Tom makes himself a pair of legs so he can kick-box.