Description: Tim stands to inherent some money from the estate of Martha and Ralph O'Hara. The only things standing in his way are a relative, Clarence O'Hara who would inherit the estate otherwise, and Martin, who Clarence insists should not exist in the rightful O'Hara family. He feels he is an authority as his father was county recorder. Tim truly is the rightful heir, and tries to legitimize Martin. Using the CCTBS (the time machine), Tim suggests that Martin go back to January 15, 1920, the day that Martha and Ralph register the name of their newborn son, Frank, and use his Martian powers to get them to name the baby Martin instead. Martin refuses, so Tim takes the CCTBS and embarks on this mission by himself. He is successful in the getting to the records office when he wants, and successful in convincing at least Ralph to name the baby Martin, but not as successful getting home as he winds up in 1945 Cleveland instead. It is a fateful stop as there he finds out that Frank aka Martin has turned out to be a convicted murderer and bank robber. Back in 1965, Martin is a wanted man. So Tim has to hightail it back to 1920 to get Martha and Ralph to change the name of the baby back to Frank. He makes it back and fails to get them to rename the baby Frank. Rather, they have picked Roger. At least it's not Martin. Tim tries to make it back to 1965, but can't. Tim's good at finding the record's office in 1920 and everywhere else but 1965 Los Angeles. The senior Clarence O'Hara, the records clerk, is getting mighty suspicious of Tim in his narrow lapelled suit, and calls in the police to haul Tim off to the mental institution. After some close calls and some more stop offs, Tim eventually does make it back to his apartment in 1965. He's home, but has given up trying to prove he's the real Tim O'Hara as Martin is worth much more to him. Luckily the entire estate was only $4 worth of depreciated stocks.