My Favorite Martian

My Favorite Martian

Release Date:  10/3/1965
Country of Release: 
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM FAM SF
Release Message:  Martin has a futuroid camera, and he snaps a photo of Tim (Bill Bixby) 24 hours into the future. Martin and Tim are shocked to see what looks like Tim as the groom in a wedding, and a bride whose face is not shown.
Description:  Martin has a futuroid camera, something that takes photos of the future. To show Tim how it works, Martin snaps a photo of him 24 hours into the future. Martin and Tim are shocked to see a photo of what looks like Tim the groom in a wedding, the bride whose face is not shown. For the first time in his adult life, Tim is not girl crazy, and wants to avoid women for the next 24 hours. Tim decides to cover a story for the paper in an effort to keep out of girl trouble, but he finds out after he accepts that the story is at the Kitten Club, a men's club. Martin follows him on the story so that he can photograph all the women to see what they're doing in 24 hours. The one woman who he doesn't take photo of is Louise Babcock, an acquaintance of Tim's who hasn't given him the time of day in the past, hence the reason they figure it's not her in the picture. Perhaps they shouldn't have passed her up so easily. She's in love with a man named Sam Evans, who trusts her enough not to be jealous of her. She however wants him to show his love by being more jealous, and threatens him that she will go out with Tim unless he shows her that he loves her by being jealous. She works her magic on Tim, who is still oblivious to the fact that it may be Louise in the photo. She even kisses Tim right in front of Sam, with no reaction from Sam at all. When Tim is at home just having finished his story and feeling good that he is still single, Louise shows up on his doorstep. Martin and Tim do discover that she is indeed the woman in the photograph. Louise's strict father and strong armed brother barge in on them, and threaten Tim that he has to make an honest woman out of her and get married in Tijuana. Martin figures that they need to get Sam back into the picture to get Tim out of this jam. Everything seems to be working against Tim however, as the judge, in Spanish, pronounces a man and wife as Tim and Louise stand there. However, Martin arranged that Tim was only a proxy stand-in for Sam. As a final parting wedding gift, Martin snaps a photo of the newlyweds Louise and Sam for 1 year in the future: twins!