Mocanu's Velocity Composition Paradox

Mocanu's Velocity Composition Paradox

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Medium:  Paradox
Release Message:  A paradox in special relativity.
Description:  Mocanu's Velocity Composition Paradox Since in general u v v u this raises the question as to which velocity is the real velocity.[4] The paradox is resolved as follows.[5] There are two types of Lorentz transformation: boosts which correspond to a change in velocity, and rotations. The outcome of a boost followed by another boost is not a pure boost but a boost followed by or preceded by a rotation (Thomas precession). So unlike Galilean composite transformations, in special relativity, boost composition is parameterized not by velocities alone, but by velocities and orientations, so u v and v u both describe correctly but partially the boost composition B(u)B(v).