Mirror, Mirror II

Mirror, Mirror II

Release Date:  2/27/1998
Country of Release:  Australia / New Zealand
Length:  24 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  When Fergus comes back through the mirror it transforms him into a baby version of himself, as he looks in a photograph. Starring Antonia Prebble as Mandy.
Description:  Fergus is upset when he can't find any baby pictures of him in the family album. He storms off to the attic and goes through the mirror. Mandy finds a picture of him as a baby, and puts it on the mirror for him to see. When Fergus comes back through the mirror it transforms him into the baby version of himself in the photograph. The children do not know what to do and send him back through where he is found by Violette. Constance tells the other that her mother found him and they try to get him back. They realize they must find a more recent picture of Fergus. They decide to use the picture which had been taken that morning. They return through the mirror and Fergus is restored to his teenage self, unaware of what had happened.