Description: When Jo discovers that she can't go back through the mirror to 1995, Louisa's mother, Primrose finds the two girls in the bedroom. Like everyone else, she doesn't believe what Jo has to say. Louisa's fatherÊagrees to let Jo stay at their house, after they convince him that Jo is lost. Later on, the girls once again sneak over the fence into Sir Ivor's yard to try to find the drum, all the time being watched by Nicholas. Nicholas insists that Sir Ivor allow the girls, and Titus over for afternoon tea. Catherine meanwhile is dealing with Jade's mother, Dr Coigley, who asks Catherine to resign as principal. Meanwhile, Tama is trying to convince Royce that Jo went through the mirror. After stealing the keys, and borrowing Dr Coigley's they get into the lab to do some 'tests'.