Marvel Two-in-One (1974 1st Series)

Marvel Two-in-One (1974 1st Series)

Release Date:  4//1979
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  When Reed Richards conducts another experiment on the Thing's mutations over the years, he comes to the conclusion that Ben's preferred state is that of the rockey hided thing. He shows Ben another serum he had hoped would change Ben back into human form, but deduces that it would have only worked on Ben back during the earlier days of his mutation where his "Thing" form was more reptilian in nature as opposed to a rock-like material. Thinking that he'd be better off if he wasn't the Thing, Ben takes the serum and uses Dr. Doom's time machine to travel back in time to the early days of the Fantastic Four. There, before the Fantastic Four setup shop in the Baxter Building, Ben finds his earlier self. 50th issue celebration! "Remembrance of Things Past!" Guest-starring the Thing. Mr. Fantastic cameo. Story by John Byrne. Art by John Byrne and Joe Sinnott. Cover by George Perez. Ben Grimm's body is becoming used to being the Thing effectively rendering Reed Richard's cure useless. However, when Ben learns the formula would have worked on him years earlier he uses Doctor Doom's time-machine to travel back in time to cure himself. But when he comes face-to-face with his past self, the newly mutated Ben Grimm is in no mood to talk. What follows is one of the most surreal moments in Marvel History as the Thing battles the Thing.