Marvel Tales (1949 Atlas)

Marvel Tales (1949 Atlas)

Release Date:  4//1953
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  Mulligan has no luck with his various acts because people see through the deceptions; he outright rejects a fortune teller, only to learn she's genuine, having come from the future to tell people about their futures; she goes back to her own time because Mulligan didn't believe her; Mulligan is saved from suicide by a janitor, but after hearing Mulligan's life story decides to give Mulligan back his noose. Cover art by Sol Brodsky. The Iron Lady, art by Al Luster. The Door text story. Brother of a Monster, script by Stan Lee; Two brothers, a deformed one and handsome one, are situated near the occurrence of murders; People suspect the deformed one as the culprit, but it turns out to be the other one. What's New?, script by Stan Lee, art by Russ Heath. Terror Tale, script by Stan Lee, art by Russ Heath; A vampire captures a fat man and takes his victim to display him to his brothers; They all agree that not even the Beast-Man captures such victims and ask the fat man his name; The fat man doesn't speak and instead transforms into the Beast-Man and attacks the vampires. The Man Who Isn't There, art by Tony DiPreta. 36 pgs. $0.10. Cover price $0.10.