Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Release Date:  10/23/1976
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  23 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  A mysterious Captain tries to take Holly (Kathy Coleman) away on his flying ship.
Description:  A mysterious Captain tries to take Holly away on his flying ship. Cha-Ka finds an old seaman's telescope near where Malak lives, while the Marshalls subsequently find a sextant at that same spot. Out in the distance, they all spot what looks like a beached but inhabited barque as they hear human voices speaking English. Aboard the barque, they discover a man, the ship's captain, Ruben Van de Meer, from who they learn that Malak stole his telescope and sextant among other items. They also learn that he is alone, despite they hearing what they thought were other human voices, that he is Dutch, and that he made his way here when he was swept along an uncharted current off the coast of Bermuda. The Marshalls believe they may all be able to sail out of the Land of the Lost the same way Van de Meer sailed in. Both Malak and Van de Meer may have other thoughts, the latter's based on what is supposed to be his fate and Holly's striking resemblance to his daughter back home.