Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Release Date:  11/1/1975
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  23 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  A quiet day of fishing, trap building and cake making turns serious when Holly is pricked by a poisonous plant. Co-created by Sid Krofft.
Description:  A quiet day of fishing, trap building and cake making turns serious when Holly is pricked by a poisonous plant. . Rick, Will and Holly are spending a relatively idyllic day preparing their traps, lairs and lures to catch animal protein for their meals. As Will wants to spend a quiet day fishing with his newly fashioned fishing rod without Holly who wants to tag along, he convinces Holly to dig smilax roots so that she will prepare a smilax cake for dessert, which he says he likes but really doesn't. While fishing, Will runs into Cha-Ka, to who Will tries to teach what he is doing, which may be a difficult task since pakuni are herbivores and thus don't understand the concept of eating meat. Meanwhile, Rick takes Holly with him, Holly digging the roots, while Rick sets up an animal trap. In the process, Rick is able to teach Holly a lesson in respecting the land. But their idyllic day takes a turn for the worse when Holly is knocked unconscious, seemingly from what Rick assumes is a toxin in a plant with which Holly came in contact and that Rick does not recognize. As Rick and Will try their ...