Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Release Date:  10/4/1975
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  23 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Cha-Ka gets some help from Will (Wesley Eure) and Holly stealing one of Big Alice's eggs to pass the Pakuni rite of manhood test.
Description:  Cha-Ka gets some help from Will and Holly stealing one of Big Alice's eggs to pass the Pakuni rite of manhood test. Cha-Ka comes by the cave sporting some face paint and a new tribal outfit. What Will and Holly learn from him is that he is going through a ritual into the pakuni version of manhood, the specific task to steal one of Big Alice's eggs. Holly is incredulous that Ta and Sa would risk Cha-Ka's life by getting him to do such a dangerous task, but Will understands what that passage into manhood means. But as Cha-Ka goes about this task, Will and Holly decide to go along to make sure that Cha-Ka stays safe from Big Alice. Cha-Ka's task and Willy and Holly's self-appointed task may however be incompatible.